Thursday 12 July 2012

The Dinosaur in my Bedroom

5 minute story

She clattered on the door, scratching for the handle. Each scrape sent shivers down my spine as I waited expectantly.
The door crept open slowly, swinging inwards towards me, hiding the intruder from sight. Moments later her head appeared above the handle, her eyes searching hungrily for prey.
I moved slightly and she spotted me. Her eyes pinned me to my bed. I could not move.
She shot into the room, blocking my only exit with her smile. She grinned at me and hopped hungrily onto my bed. I lay prone, waiting to be devoured.
She licked her lips and pounced.


  1. A bit too Lady Ga Ga for my taste. I was reading this short and thinking of her line "uh oh there was a monster in my bed" in her song Monster. Don't get me wrong I like Lady Ga Ga and I like this. :-p Well okay you did well. I can not lie.

  2. Don't know the song... but I take it that this is a compliment?!
