Monday 22 August 2011

What is Pain?

What is pain? What is pleasure?
What is one without the other?
What is beauty? What is horror?
Except to the eye of the beholder?

You are pleasure, you are pain,
When others are gone you remain;
You are horror, you are beauty,
You scare me yet you seduce me.

What is joy? What is sorrow?
What is the anxious unruly tomorrow?
What is lust? What is hate?
Can we really escape this fate?

You are joy, you are sorrow,
You are the reason I look to tomorrow
You are lust, but never hate,
You increase my heart rate.

Wednesday 10 August 2011


What lies in potential is often more attractive than actualisation,
Belief is powerful, belief distracts you from reality. 
Only when you tear apart your belief can you find what lies beneath.
Underneath us all is a broken child, we are all trying to get back to innocence
The innocence of the first smile,
The first laugh
The first time you both shared the same thought
The first time you shared a passionate idea
The first time you looked at each other and saw a future
The first kiss, the last kiss before the next
The first embrace when you lose yourself in another
The first time you are unafraid
The first time you were vulnerable and it didn't matter
If you are unwilling to accept that vulnerability you cannot accept love and give it back.