Sunday 26 June 2011

Penguins at Play

It was a warm sunny summers day,
And the penguins went out to laugh and play
But after a while they felt hot and bothered
And a cool location was to be discovered.

They sought shade under a sycamore tree
But were scared away by a bumble bee;
They searched for a pond in the park
But one of them claimed they saw a shark.

Sullenly they returned to the house
But were startled by a chattering mouse
It said “Quick, follow me into the garage,
I found something while I was on the forage”

They were no longer afraid to explore
So the penguins sneaked under the door
In the cool dark building they were intrigued
By a mass of piping, bottles and homemade mead.

They ran between the pipes ahead
And all dove into a big dank keg
They swam and drank so much black sheep
That refreshed and drunk, they fell asleep.

In the morning they woke up yawning
Because they heard each other snoring
They looked around, they were all caught
In a bottle of beer stopped with a cork!

This poem was inspired by the beautiful Rachael Harrison.
She informed the world of her dream of Penguins in Bottles and I had to write about it!
She drew this wonderful picture of her dream, and I used it as inspirado!

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